The Wholehearted Blog

Quiet time and My Emotions
So, is there any place for my emotions in my relationship with Jesus? I’ve learned three things about emotions and where they rightly fit in my relationship with Jesus.

Keep Pursuing Jesus in Your Busyness
When we are in busy and challenging seasons it’s even more vital that we fight for time in His word and prayer because we need His strength and grace, and...

Small Ambitions
Ambitions and goals are good and even necessary to our lives. They can give us purpose and practical direction. Spiritual disciplines are how we grow as believers. But our goals...

Tips for Making a Resolution That You’ll Actually Keep
Our society collectively welcomes the annual landmark of a new year as a chance to have a universal “restart”. Things somehow seem easier to start on January 1st than they...

A Sound Heart
I have a tendency to follow my emotions. Even as a very young child, I was always especially sensitive, emotional, and easily swayed by my feelings. For decades, I found...

Drowning in Our Disciplines
Our discipline should be driven by our desire to obey, be near, and become like our beautiful Jesus. But sometimes, we can be motivated by pride or even fear. We find ourselves...

More and Nothing Less than a Habit
When we read Scripture, we are reading the Word of God going forth from His mouth into our hearts. Therefore, this is a promise that it will prosper in our...

Relationships Require Habits
Every relationship has a combination of “head over heels” days and “please don’t speak to me until tomorrow” days. Even in the mere six months that I have been married,...

How Discipline Helps Our Relationship with Jesus
Discipline brings us rest and peace. When we train ourselves for godliness as 1 Timothy promises, we will experience benefits in this life and in the next. If we’ve been...
Ready to dive deeper?
Read "Quiet" by Naomi Vacaro
This book is for the everyday woman who is struggling to spend time with Jesus. If you're looking for practical help, relatable stories, and quiet time inspiration, buy a copy of "Quiet: Creating Grace-Based Rhythms for Spending Time with Jesus"