The Wholehearted Blog

We are taking a break from our regular posting. In the meantime, we hope our extensive archive of blog posts will be an encouragement to you!

Prayer as Love

Intercessory Prayer and the Community of God By: Nicole Schrader Prayer. As a kid, I stared up at the ceiling above my bed and talked to God. I had no...

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Keeping Your Focus on Jesus

Have you ever been on a Zoom or FaceTime call and found yourself spending most of the conversation staring at the little square with your face? Unfortunately, my quiet time has...

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Godly Gratitude

I am a firm believer that godly gratitude is one of our greatest weapons against the flesh. When I focus my mind on all God has done, has saved me...

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Wholehearted Worship

The day quickly felt overwhelming, and my anxiety level was rising. This is not how I had wanted to start my week. I had envisioned a peaceful day: children behaving and...

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Worship is More than Singing

I’ve found when I intentionally glorify and praise the Lord during my quiet time, it flows into the rest of my day and enables me to live a lifestyle of...

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Ready to dive deeper?

Read "Quiet" by Naomi Vacaro

This book is for the everyday woman who is struggling to spend time with Jesus. If you're looking for practical help, relatable stories, and quiet time inspiration, buy a copy of "Quiet: Creating Grace-Based Rhythms for Spending Time with Jesus"

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