The Wholehearted Blog

Prayer as Love
Intercessory Prayer and the Community of God By: Nicole Schrader Prayer. As a kid, I stared up at the ceiling above my bed and talked to God. I had no...

A Better Response to Suffering
If you’re anything like me, the devastating headlines over the last few years can become overwhelming. It seems like every week we hear of another earthquake, war, or politician who...

A Posture of Prayer
by Kelly Arena “In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.” My hands unfold, my eyes open, and my neck extends to the upright position. As someone with ADHD, I rarely...

Earnest Prayers
In this article, Grace McCready reflects on the lessons we can learn from Elijah's prayer life. Drawing from the story of Elijah on Mount Carmel, the author highlights Elijah's respect...

Awaiting Motherhood
I have spent six years battling infertility. There have been many doctor’s appointments, procedures, surgeries, tests, and tears. I have had to work through an assortment of difficult emotions: anger,...

Persistent Prayer Matters
I encourage you to change your perspective on prayer. Jesus told His disciples to ask, seek, and knock. He wants us to do the same–not because He guarantees that we’ll...

3 Ways the Single Girl Can Grow in Prayer
Singleness isn’t something that I would’ve chosen for myself for this season of my life, but I know that growth during this season is still possible through the Holy Spirit....

The Delight of Unhindered Prayer
When we think about the idea of “unhindered” prayer, it is important to remember what prayer itself is. Prayer is our direct line of communication with God. It’s our “phone...

Relationships Require Habits
Every relationship has a combination of “head over heels” days and “please don’t speak to me until tomorrow” days. Even in the mere six months that I have been married,...
Ready to dive deeper?
Read "Quiet" by Naomi Vacaro
This book is for the everyday woman who is struggling to spend time with Jesus. If you're looking for practical help, relatable stories, and quiet time inspiration, buy a copy of "Quiet: Creating Grace-Based Rhythms for Spending Time with Jesus"