We believe in...
1. The Inspiration, Authority, and Inerrancy of the Scriptures.
As Christians, we value the Bible and seek to apply what we read out of loving obedience to King Jesus. The Bible is our final authority for determining doctrinal truths.
2. The Eternal Existence of One God in Three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
God is Omniscient, Omnipresent, and Omnipotent.
3. God’s Creation of a Good Physical Universe and Human Race.
God Created Humans in His Image, Male and Female, Worthy of Honor and Protection from Womb to Tomb.
4. Humanity’s Fall Into Sin and The Resultant Human Depravity and Brokenness of Creation.
All but One Man, Jesus Christ, Falls Short of God’s Perfect Standard in Our Thoughts, Attitudes, Desires, and Actions.
5. The Deity of Christ.
His Incarnation, Atoning Death, Resurrection, and Enthronement at God’s Right Hand.
6. Salvation by the Grace of God by the Power of the Holy Spirit for All Those Who Place Their Faith In Jesus Christ.
Those Who Reject Christ Have No Other Salvation From Death and Judgement and Will Be Eternally Separated From God’s Presence, Goodness, Light, and Life.
7. One Holy Christian Church, the Body of Christ, Expressed and Experienced in Local Gatherings Across Time and Culture.
As Christians, We Seek to Regularly Fellowship with other Followers of Jesus, Participate in The Symbolic Activities of Baptism and Communion, and Strive to Disciple One Another to Be More Like Christ.
8. Marriage as a Covenant Between One Man and One Woman.
The Marriage Bed is Sacred, and Sex is a Gift of God Between a Husband and Wife in the Confines of Marriage.
9.The Second Coming of Jesus Christ and the Consummation of All Things:
the Restoration of Creation from Evil, Death, Distortion, and Futility.
10. The Gift of Everlasting Life and Embodied Participation in the New Heavens and New Earth, with Christ, for All Who Have Trusted in Him for Salvation.