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Blossoming Beyond Doubt

Nurturing Faith Through Surrender

By Brittany Lister

With the promise of springtime, I am reminded of the undeniable evidence of God’s handiwork all around me. The beauty of creation itself testifies to His existence, and the changing seasons proclaim His faithfulness. During this time of renewal, I am encouraged to reflect on the evidence of spring in both nature and faith.

At the start of 2023, I stood at the crossroads of a secure job and God’s gentle whispers. I hesitated to follow His voice. Earthly stability stood in the way of God’s call to trust Him completely. For three months, doubts stretched the boundaries of my faith.

Amid my doubt, faith quietly bloomed, starting small as a mustard seed but growing nonetheless. Eventually, I resigned from my job, let go of the safety net, and leaned into surrender. As I settled into my new normal as a full-time writer, challenges persisted, but the evidence of God’s hand was unmissable. He showed up and provided around every corner. My faith, I came to learn, no matter how small, was enough for God to work wonders.

For the heart rooted in doubt and uncertainty, I encourage you to take a bold step towards Him. Surrender is intentional, and it requires a daily “yes.” Some may argue that faith is a blind leap into the unknown, a surrendering of reason. However, the Bible presents a different perspective. It calls us to consider the works of God and the intentionality of His design. 

Psalm 19:1-2 (ESV) declares, “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. Day to day pours out speech, and night to night reveals knowledge.” Nature itself becomes a living testimony to the existence of our Creator, a canvas painted with His fingerprints. I love thinking about the many ways nature serves as a testimony to the existence and faithfulness of God. 

As I reflect on specific aspects of creation that speak to me, I am never left wanting. Whether it’s the changing seasons and how He provides through every summer, winter, autumn, and spring, or the intricate details of a pretty petal, I always find traces of His presence and provision.

I anchor my faith in the evidence that surrounds me. It is firmly rooted in God’s unchanging character, His promises, and the reality of Jesus Christ. The pinnacle of this evidence is found in the resurrection of our beautiful Savior. The empty tomb stands as an eternal signpost, pointing to the victory over sin and death.

Just as spring follows the cold embrace of winter, faith can flourish, overcoming the chill of doubt. The resurrection of Jesus is the catalyst for our eternal spring, assuring us that new life will burst forth even in the most desolate seasons of our souls.

With God as our unfailing Promise Keeper, we can take heart and look to the scriptures as they echo His faithfulness repeatedly. From the covenant with Abraham and Sarah, assuring them of a child in the book of Genesis, to the fulfillment of the prophesied birth of our Savior, Jesus – our faith finds solid ground. God’s track record is not just reliable; it is a testament to His unshakeable dependability.

Every facet of our lives, be it monumental decisions like career shifts, relocating to new cities, or even the seemingly trivial choice of what to have for dinner, finds its place in His caring hands. God’s interest spans the significant, the minute, and the sacred in-betweens. He invites us to include Him in every detail and to trust Him with every detail.

As we embark on this journey of renewed springtime faith, let us draw inspiration from Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV): “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”

This timeless scripture beautifully invites us to trust in God wholeheartedly and acknowledge His wisdom above our understanding. It emphasizes the importance of submitting all aspects of our lives to Him, both the significant and the seemingly insignificant decisions. By doing so, we pave the way for God to guide us and we learn the brave rhythms of surrender. This wisdom from Proverbs reminds us that our faith in God is not just a passive belief but an active, trusting submission to His leading in every part of our lives.

Dear reader, if you find yourself wrestling with doubt today, look at the evidence that surrounds you and remember that God is tender with our doubting hearts. He doesn’t dismiss our questions but invites us into a journey of faith. 

Sometimes it is our very doubt that serves as the canvas upon which the evidence of God’s goodness is artfully portrayed. By relinquishing control and choosing to trust Him, we discover a peace that surpasses all understanding and abundant joy that endures, not only in spring but in every season and circumstance.

Allow the beauty of creation, the promises of God, and the resurrection of Jesus to speak louder than the whispers of uncertainty and worry. As the buds of new springtime flowers unfurl, may your faith also blossom, rooted in the unshakable evidence of our faithful God.

I pray these words from “Praying Outside” encourage you:

Getting Ready for Spring

my soil-stained hands are an external sign

of the internal work You’re doing

as I co-labor with You

You’re making me new

tending to my roots

to the parts no one else sees

You’re showing me what needs to go

and what can stay

so I’m ready when You say

my springtime has come



Brittany Litster is an author from South Africa who draws inspiration from nature and the kind nature of her friend, Jesus. Her poetry collections are best enjoyed outdoors, where Hope can dance uninterrupted. You can discover Brittany’s books, including “Wildflower Pages,” “There Is Beauty Still,” and “Praying Outside,” on Amazon. Explore more of her devotional resources at

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