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Enriching Quiet Time Through Art

By Tiffany Layton

There are two areas I’ve spent the majority of my life learning: the arts and quiet time with Jesus. As far back as I can remember, I was involved in some sort of creative arts. I started drawing and painting at a very young age and took dance classes for years. I learned to play the flute, guitar, and piano, while also taking singing lessons. I began songwriting at age eleven. The arts were my whole world. It shaped how I responded to life and was basically how I made it through adolescence! 

As I grew older and began growing in my relationship with the Lord, including these things in my time with Him felt natural. God has always used the arts to draw me close to Him. In return, I have enjoyed honoring the Lord with the gifts and talents He’s given me. There are so many different ways to implement creative arts in our time with Jesus! Here are a few of my favorites. 

Creative Journaling

Journaling is my most used technique. Writing out my prayers has been something I’ve done since childhood. I sometimes add creativity by using different colored pens, highlighting certain portions of my prayer, or drawing a picture first and journaling over top. Creative journaling keeps me focused and drawn into what I’m doing. For me, it’s a way to bring joy into my prayer life with God! 

Bible Study Color Coding and Coloring

I have a journaling and coloring Bible. To some, it may seem a bit juvenile, but to me it brings joy! Some of the pages are filled with a column of lines for journaling what I’ve studied, and others have a picture to color based on that page's reading. I have spent hours coloring these pages and meditating on what it’s saying. 

I also use a color code system for highlighting as I study the Word. Each highlighter color has a meaning and it has absolutely changed how I study Scripture. The Word of God has come to life for me in a way it never has before. For example, I will use green for anything that is a command or instruction, orange for sin, blue for redemption or Gospel-related things, and purple for repetition/lists, etc. I’m able to see certain things that otherwise I may have missed. It’s an excellent addition to my Bible study! 

Worship and Song Writing

I have lost count of how many songs I’ve written at this point. Many of which have never been sung to anyone but Jesus. There have been many times that a song could communicate what I otherwise could not find the words to say. Sometimes I will simply close my eyes and play the piano before Him to welcome His presence and to honor Him with the gifts He’s given me. Other times I’ll sing my prayers, a new song to Him! It often looks different each time. 

There are other moments when I may put on some theologically sound worship music and sit quietly, meditating on what’s being sung. All of these things greatly aid in helping me worship during Quiet Time.

No matter the means of creative arts used during Quiet Time with Jesus, the purpose remains the same: to grow in maturity and intimacy with Him and to bring Him honor and glory. This must be the heart posture we take as we seek to meet with Jesus!

“Praise the Lord! Praise God in His sanctuary; praise Him in His mighty heaven! Praise Him for His mighty works; praise His unequaled greatness! Praise Him with a blast of the ram’s horn; praise Him with the lyre and harp! Praise Him with the tambourine and dancing; praise Him with strings and flutes! Praise Him a clash of cymbals; praise Him with loud clanging and cymbals. Let everything that breathes sing praises to the Lord! Praise the Lord!” Psalm 150


Tiffany lives with her husband Lex in Alabama and graduated with a degree in theology from the University of Mobile in 2011. She now serves on staff at her church leading worship, and small groups, and as the church administrator. She loves fall, coffee, songwriting, and staying organized!

1 comment on Enriching Quiet Time Through Art

  • Sue
    SueJuly 12, 2024

    I love the idea of color coordinating bible themes! I’ve never thought to do that! I probably would use orange for sin too…I don’t like the color orange much!
    Thank you for sharing this!

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