The Wholehearted Blog

Does Our Quiet Time Have to be Quiet?
While we can’t completely control our circumstances, we should do what we can to intentionally create a daily time that stills the noises and distractions of our lives, to build a...

Needed and Needy
See, I need Him like I need sleep, showers, food, and friends. I need His love, grace, joy, peace, forgiveness, and help more, the more I’m needed!Yet, motherhood often interrupts...

Sleepwalking through Life
Knowing my susceptibility to “sleepwalking” has been my primary motivation for my quiet time this season. When I neglect to spend time with Jesus, my days easily get lost, my...

One Thing is Necessary
Busy is good but it is not best. If your schedule seems lacking and you feel guilty, before becoming frustrated or filling it with more activities from church, work, or...

Keep Pursuing Jesus in Your Busyness
When we are in busy and challenging seasons it’s even more vital that we fight for time in His word and prayer because we need His strength and grace, and...

How Discipline Helps Our Relationship with Jesus
Discipline brings us rest and peace. When we train ourselves for godliness as 1 Timothy promises, we will experience benefits in this life and in the next. If we’ve been...

What’s so hard about having a quiet time?
It’s hard to have a quiet time in the morning—before school, before exercising, before work, before the kids, before the alarm, before my husband gets up…It’s hard to have a...

Wholehearted Worship
The day quickly felt overwhelming, and my anxiety level was rising. This is not how I had wanted to start my week. I had envisioned a peaceful day: children behaving and...

Quiet Time Seasons
I’ve had daily time with Jesus as a daughter and now as a mother; in loneliness and while surrounded by children. In both grief and joy, failure and success, I’ve...
Ready to dive deeper?
Read "Quiet" by Naomi Vacaro
This book is for the everyday woman who is struggling to spend time with Jesus. If you're looking for practical help, relatable stories, and quiet time inspiration, buy a copy of "Quiet: Creating Grace-Based Rhythms for Spending Time with Jesus"