How Quiet Time Awakens My Soul's Purpose
Jordan Sparnroft
If I’m not careful, I can easily begin to sleepwalk through my life. Like a zombie, I go through the motions of the daily routines of getting myself and my kid ready for the day, going to work, coming home, packing lunches for the next day, making dinner, folding the laundry, loading the dishwasher, going to bed and doing it all over again day after day after day.
Before I know it this sleepwalking leads to mistreating the people around me. Neglecting to guard my mouth, I become prideful and selfish considering only my needs/wants and my endless to-do list. I begin to rely on my own strength to endure, anxiety creeps in, and I forget the power that lives in me. The reality that I’ve been called out of ‘zombie’ mode and into life - an abundant life that is driven by love from a God who wants more for me than to just sleepwalk through the daily routines - tends to fall to the backburner of my mind.
Knowing my susceptibility to “sleepwalking” has been my primary motivation for my quiet time this season. When I neglect to spend time with Jesus, my days easily get lost, my faith becomes stale and those around me will miss out on experiencing the love of Jesus through me. Reminders and lessons from His word of who He is and who I am created to be as a reflection of His love awaken my soul. His word and presence give me the courage I need to say no to sin and yes to righteousness and an awareness that those around me are desperate for His grace and can experience Jesus through me. Living ‘awake’ is to live in the joy and fullness of His love.
I’ve noticed that it is also possible to ‘sleepwalk’ through our daily time with God. It is just as easy for me to get caught up in the motions, routines, and disciplines of my faith as it is to be swallowed by my daily chores and responsibilities. Before I know it, I’m tied up in religion and have forgotten the purpose behind all the motions.
Lately, my ‘quiet time’ has not consisted of a Bible and quiet time companion by my side with a warm cup of coffee and a cozy corner, that is not where my faith is right now. Lately, it has looked like me talking to him about my doubts and apathy as I wash my dishes. Thankfully, Jesus never values form over substance. He doesn’t wait for picture-perfect quiet times but readily draws near every tired and desperate heart that cries out to Him for help.
As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love. I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. (John 15:9-11 NIV)
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Jordan Sparnroft lives in historic central Virginia with her husband and daughter. She is a first-grade teacher at a Christian school and loves early mornings and spending time with her family. |