The Wholehearted Blog

Don't Let Your Love Grow Cold
Staying Spiritually Warm in the Winter Months By: Stephanie Gray Connors My Canadian body has so totally adjusted to living in Florida for the past three years that I consider...

Mercy is Patient
Using the reality of your sin to drive you to Jesus. By: Jordan Sparnroft Recently, my sin has been my inspiration for my quiet time. I recently went on a 10-day...

What I Bring to My Quiet Time
Recently, my daughter gave him a directive and when he began to negotiate, she said he should obey her. He responded, “I don’t want to obey. Mommy—you obey me!” Isn’t that...

Persistent Prayer Matters
I encourage you to change your perspective on prayer. Jesus told His disciples to ask, seek, and knock. He wants us to do the same–not because He guarantees that we’ll...

Conditions of the Heart
Scripture is known for using many agricultural references to communicate ideas of the Kingdom. Unfortunately, all I can associate agriculture with is death. Even more unfortunately death does have a...

Beautiful Desperation
Constant suffering will do one of two things: it will either cause one to become resentful and bitter, possibly blaming God, or it will cause a deeper desperation and faith...

Quiet time and My Emotions
So, is there any place for my emotions in my relationship with Jesus? I’ve learned three things about emotions and where they rightly fit in my relationship with Jesus.

Reviving a Weary Heart
When these lies against God's character come, we are quick to turn to our friends or phones to validate these lies or feelings. But it is God’s Word that tells...
Ready to dive deeper?
Read "Quiet" by Naomi Vacaro
This book is for the everyday woman who is struggling to spend time with Jesus. If you're looking for practical help, relatable stories, and quiet time inspiration, buy a copy of "Quiet: Creating Grace-Based Rhythms for Spending Time with Jesus"