The Wholehearted Blog

We are taking a break from our regular posting. In the meantime, we hope our extensive archive of blog posts will be an encouragement to you!

Loving by Listening

The God that created the universe, who spoke the world into existence, and breathed life into man is the same God who listens intently to the cries of our hearts....

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Quiet Time is a Joy, not a Job

He loved us before we chose to serve and love Him. We didn’t start this race. He started it and finished it on our behalf! He loved us in our...

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Worth the Drudgery

We can bet that if the negligence of our physical bodies is detrimental to our health, then spiritual negligence harms our souls. But a healthy soul is harder to see...

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Watching in Silence

The silence of God is intriguing to consider. Because of who God is, we look to Him for guidance, answers, miracles, and provision. But because of God’s all-powerfulness, He can...

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Day and Night

When do you think about God?Is it on Sunday mornings in church? Or when you catch a glimpse of the Bible in a stack of books? Maybe it’s when you...

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Quiet Time Seasons

I’ve had daily time with Jesus as a daughter and now as a mother; in loneliness and while surrounded by children. In both grief and joy, failure and success, I’ve...

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What First Inspired Me to Have a Quiet Time

I could write out a few tips that may give you a small level of desire and inspiration to spend time with Jesus, but unless you see that your life...

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God Our Father:

Our perception of God often comes from the way our earthly fathers treat us. And unfortunately, even the best fathers are not perfect.God’s character, however, does not reflect our earthly...

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Wholehearted Trust

On many occasions, I have defined trust as outward confidence- a form of boldness. Similar to the “leap of faith” often identified as an obedient response to God’s word. But...

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Ready to dive deeper?

Read "Quiet" by Naomi Vacaro

This book is for the everyday woman who is struggling to spend time with Jesus. If you're looking for practical help, relatable stories, and quiet time inspiration, buy a copy of "Quiet: Creating Grace-Based Rhythms for Spending Time with Jesus"

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