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What First Inspired Me to Have a Quiet Time

What First Inspired Me to Have a Quiet Time

You won’t find the inspiration on your own
Jordan Sparnroft

Prior to my daughter’s birth in 2017, my version of quiet time was inconsistent and unintentional. I prayed often throughout the day, I would read a ‘Jesus Calling’ devotional upon my arrival at work, and occasionally I would do a devotional at the end of my day. Quiet Time was one of my priorities, but it was at the bottom of the list, and it was anything but wholehearted. I didn’t view it as essential to my faith. I viewed quiet time as the cherry on top of all of my other strivings. Now, while there are still days where my quiet time slips down the list, it doesn’t linger there long before my soul begins to yearn for God’s word and His presence. So, how did my quiet time climb from the bottom of my priority list all the way to the top?  

After walking through the diagnosis of my child and as her surgery scars were healing, I began reflecting on the 4 years prior and how God had been so faithful to me in countless ways despite my weak attempts at trying to build my faith all on my own strength. I began to wonder (in a gracious sense), how I might have handled my suffering if I had been more intentional in getting to know God and His promises on a more personal level?
Not that it would have eased my suffering but maybe I would have gone into it with more humility? More grace? Less bitterness? More confidence?

My Jesus-loving soul became increasingly aware that if more suffering is around the bend, especially involving my precious child, then I needed something firmer to stand on than my intermittent, half-hearted version of a quiet time. I needed Him to build up my faith into something that was strong and unwavering; a faith that was not lived out half-heartedly but wholeheartedly. A faith that infiltrates every nook and cranny of my life, my marriage, my parenting, my friendships, surgeries, and the daily grind. A faith that transforms both how I love the people God has put around me in my corner of the world and frees me up to enjoy and recognize the good gifts He gives us every day. I realized that such a faith requires
daily intentional time to stare at Jesus’ face, getting to know who He is, what He promises, and what/who He loves.

The desire to spend time with Jesus has never left me since I gave my life to Him at 13 years old. However, as my brain and body have developed so has my understanding of grace. This understanding of grace along with the challenges and blessings of this life have in turn heightened the awareness of my desperate need for the gospel. As you can see, the inspiration and desire were not conceived by any of my efforts. 

I could write out a few tips that may give you a small level of desire and inspiration to spend time with Jesus, but unless you see that your life is in desperate need of something more than what this world is offering you, those tips won’t work. If you’re looking for ‘inspiration’ to start a daily quiet time with your Savior, you won’t find it apart from Him.

Here is the one tip I can offer, approach His throne with confidence and ask Him to show you your need for Him, ask Him for His grace and the power of His Holy Spirit to cultivate in you a desire to seek His face daily. Once that inspiration from the Holy Spirit hits and you are obedient to it, I promise you that He will honor your obedience and you will be forever changed by His faithfulness.



Lives in historic central Virginia with her husband and daughter. She is a first-grade teacher at a Christian school and loves early mornings and spending time with her family.


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