The Wholehearted Blog

The Fruit of Long Faithfulness
Sometimes I thought I couldn’t bear another moment of the sanctification that came from seeing my sin and weakness exposed day after day through mothering. However: I couldn’t shake the...

Beautiful Desperation
Constant suffering will do one of two things: it will either cause one to become resentful and bitter, possibly blaming God, or it will cause a deeper desperation and faith...

One Thing is Necessary
Busy is good but it is not best. If your schedule seems lacking and you feel guilty, before becoming frustrated or filling it with more activities from church, work, or...

Walking with God
When we see how beautifully, deeply, and wisely Christ loves us, following him shifts from a crushing ideal that we can never live out, to a natural overflow of our...

To the Wounded Christian Woman
The woman at the well (John 4) came to the well ashamed, yet she left healed, telling everyone she could about all the things Jesus told her. I am- you...

New Year, New Mind
Many goals are written from a desire of wanting something more. We want more insight, more knowledge, or more money. The enemy wants us to get so caught up in...

No More New Year’s Resolutions for Me!
Rather than making resolutions I can’t keep, I’ve learned to set goals that line up with the word of God. The Bible is full of guidelines for how we’re to...

The Rest of the Story
As silly as it may sound, I was struck anew this Advent season by the “rest of the story” of Christmas. Yes, we know the story of when Jesus came...

Breaking Glass
Do you sense His frown? His stern disapproval building up until He lashes out at you with pent-up frustration?Do you feel His distance? His serene indifference to the pain that...
Ready to dive deeper?
Read "Quiet" by Naomi Vacaro
This book is for the everyday woman who is struggling to spend time with Jesus. If you're looking for practical help, relatable stories, and quiet time inspiration, buy a copy of "Quiet: Creating Grace-Based Rhythms for Spending Time with Jesus"