The Wholehearted Blog
A Quick Guide to Scripture Genres
Each of us connects to different genres differently. I love poetry and symbolism. I get a lot out of Psalms and can muster up very little appreciation for maps, genealogies,...
Desire is Not Required
I’m learning to make my time with Him more about Him and how He wants to speak to me and less about my preferences and feelings. I’m learning to not...
Keeping Your Focus on Jesus
Have you ever been on a Zoom or FaceTime call and found yourself spending most of the conversation staring at the little square with your face? Unfortunately, my quiet time has...
What I Bring to My Quiet Time
Recently, my daughter gave him a directive and when he began to negotiate, she said he should obey her. He responded, “I don’t want to obey. Mommy—you obey me!” Isn’t that...
Does Our Quiet Time Have to be Quiet?
While we can’t completely control our circumstances, we should do what we can to intentionally create a daily time that stills the noises and distractions of our lives, to build a...
How Journaling Can Help You Focus
I hope this week you are able to take some time to try out journaling and see how it can bless your quiet times. Some of my most cherished moments...
Pieces of Paper
If your quiet time is boring, figure out why. Light a candle, make a really good cup of coffee, go on a quiet-time hike, grab a new journal, listen through...
The Overlooked
When I read these two accounts, I connected so deeply to them. Similar to the demon-possessed man I was being tormented by my failures. Tormented by the lies that I...
Ready to dive deeper?
Read "Quiet" by Naomi Vacaro
This book is for the everyday woman who is struggling to spend time with Jesus. If you're looking for practical help, relatable stories, and quiet time inspiration, buy a copy of "Quiet: Creating Grace-Based Rhythms for Spending Time with Jesus"