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A Look Inside the Quiet Time Companion

What is the Quiet Time Companion?

We’re so glad you asked! The Quiet Time Companion (or QTC) is a planner/journal/organizer for the time you spend with Jesus. It’s an all-in-one tool for Bible reading and prayer.

If you’re curious, click here to read the story behind the Quiet Time Companion and the formation of Wholehearted.

Now let’s take a closer look at what’s inside this journal!

1. Evaluating and Prepping

After a welcome note and a set of user instructions, the Quiet Time Companion gives you several pages to evaluate and plan for devotional success. You'll see pages for planning your daily and weekly routines, a habit tracker, and a set of questions to ask yourself as you plan your quiet time rhythm.  


Free Resource: Download this freebie to help plan your quiet time!

2. Setting Goals

Table of Contents Page

You can use this spot to label and highlight the different areas of your journal. If there is a prayer list you want easy access to, you can label it here and write down the page where it’s located. Maybe you attended a conference and you want to highlight the notes you took. If you use the Quiet Time section for journaling, then you can take note of the events or memories you most want to reflect on in the future. 

Important Dates

Use this section to remember the important dates in your life and the lives of your loved ones! Use it for:

  • Birthdays
  • Anniversaries (happy or sad)
  • Spiritual birthdays/baptisms
  • Weddings
  • Parties
  • Vacations / trips
  • Holidays
  • Appointments
  • Or anything else you can think of! 



You can use this section to jot down personal goals in different life categories. You can come up with your own titles or reference the sticker sheet in the front pocket for ideas! Try to be as detailed as possible when setting goals. For instance, instead of writing “work out more” in a “Health” category, write down “go to the gym on Monday/Wednesday/Friday”. Here are some ideas for goal categories:

  • Spiritual 
  • Family
  • Motherhood
  • Work/Career
  • Local church
  • Service
  • Health/Fitness
  • Homemaking/Home Improvement
  • Overcoming addiction
  • Discipleship
  • Friendships
  • Financial 

Prayerful Convictions

You may or may not have heard of Jonathan Edward’s Resolutions. He begins with this prayer, “Being sensible that I am unable to do anything without God’s help, I do humbly entreat him by his grace to enable me to keep these Resolutions, so far as they are agreeable to his will, for Christ’s sake.” Read the resolutions here. You will find 65 statements that Edwards commits to live his life by. The prayerful convictions can function similarly.  

For example, you may have a certain conviction about how best to parent your children, or how to communicate graciously on social media. This would be a good place to record decisions like these. You could also prayerfully consider your stance on hot-button political issues, or your personal convictions regarding local church, family life, future pursuits, career goals, or entertainment choices. Whenever the Lord forms a conviction in your heart, you can use this section to take note of it. 

Favorite Quotes

Use this page to record impactful quotes that you don’t want to forget! Write down quotes from: 

  • Your pastor
  • A mentor
  • A book
  • A friend
  • Your children
  • Social media/blog post
  • A podcast

Hospitality Bucket List

This page is a place for you to plan exactly who you would like to host in your home for dinner, a game night, a Birthday party, etc! Write a date, and exactly what you would like to host them for to keep yourself accountable. Tip: Send the invitation as soon as you write it down to make sure it gets on the calendar!

Free Resource: Running out of space? Download this Hospitality Bucket List freebie! 

Giving Opportunities

The Lord just loves a generous heart! (see Proverbs 19:17; Acts 20:35; 2 Corinthians 9:7) All too often, we can pass over or forget about opportunities to generously give from what God has given to us. This page is a great spot to write down these opportunities and take note of what individuals or ministries the Lord is leading you to support financially.


Reading List

If you’ve ever heard a book recommendation and then spent time wracking your brain trying to remember the title later, then this section is for you! Or maybe you just want to plan out your reading goals for the year- that works too! There is a space for the title and the author so that it is easy to find later. Write down a specific date or month that you want to finish reading each book to help keep you on track with a certain timeline.

Scripture Memorization

This section is super customizable so you can use it in a variety of ways! You can write out each verse or passage that you would like to memorize, or you can also label each section by topic and fill the box with verse references from that category. You can also use this space to do word studies through Scripture! Here are some other category ideas for memorization:

  • Chronic pain/illness
  • Motherhood
  • Forgiveness
  • anxiety/depression
  • Diligence
  • Faith
  • The Gospel
  • God’s sovereignty
  • God’s care for you
  • Overcoming temptation
  • Prayer
  • Gratitude 
  • Rest
  • Finances
  • Loneliness
  • Strength

Tip: If you’re looking for topical Scriptures to memorize, then sign up for this freebie!

Prayer Lists

Here you will find another customizable section to meet your prayer list needs! You can label each box with a different day of the week, month of the year, category of relationship, or label each box with the name of someone close to you and fill it up with several requests for them. If you are in a small group, label the box and write the name of each small group member in the list. You can devote each box to different causes such as ministries you are connected with, current world events, or places on your heart. 


4. Prayer Requests and Praise Reports

 In contrast with the Prayer List section, the Prayers and Praises section is for one time, more specific requests. When someone asks you to pray for something specific, write it here on the prayer line. Hopefully, one day, you will be able to come back and take note of God’s faithfulness in the praise section. This can be used for pregnancy announcements as well! Just write the praise for new life and then pray for a healthy pregnancy and full term baby. This can also be used to take note of marriages, family deaths, graduations, births, and other major life milestones.

Free Resource: Download extra prayer request pages here!

5. Learning Notes

 The beginning of the Learning Notes section has an index for you to keep a record of your notes. This is for easy reference later so that you can continue to reflect on what the Lord has taught you! You can use this during church, youth group, conferences, workshops, podcasts, or anytime you want to take notes on something you are learning.


6. Bible Reading Plans

 There are four reading plans that you can use to organize your Bible reading time. You can read through the Old Testament, the New Testament or the Wisdom Books. You can combine the three sections, reading from each section a day, and read through the whole Bible in a year! These plans are here to help you find structure in your Bible reading. We try to avoid playing “catch-up” in our Bible reading, which is why no dates or deadlines are included here! Set your own pace and use these plans as a flexible guide, not a rigid schedule. 


 7. Daily Quiet Time

And finally, the Quiet Time section! This is the largest part of the journal and it is where you will be spending most of your time. Each ‘day’ has two pages, but you are free to use one side on one day (focus on Bible reading and journaling) and finish the next side on the following day (focus on gratitude and prayer). Here are the different segments you will find here:

  • A place to log the date, time and place
  • A place to log what you are reading for that day
  • A large, blank space to journal.
    • Use this space for journaling your thoughts, feelings or current events in your life
    • Notes on your Bible reading
    • Response to a journal prompt from our Instagram or Journal Prompt sticker book (Link)
    • Use this as an extension to the prayer box on the back side of this page and write out a prayer
    • Use the space to practice writing out your Scripture memory 
  • A gratitude list
  • A prayer box
    • Write out a prayer
    • Write out a list of what you are praying through
    • Write our a Scripture or Psalm you are meditating on
  • Remember section
    • A verse you want to remember or are currently memorizing
    • A truth you learned
    • A reminder to encourage a friend, serve a neighbor, or find time for a spiritual discipline later that day


8. 30 Day Quiet Time Check-In

Every 30 days you'll find a couple of pages where you can do a quiet time check-in! This is a good opportunity to evaluate your difficulties and make plans for improvement.


Why the Quiet Time Companion? 

We believe that spending time with Jesus is the most important part of our day. We believe that Bible reading and prayer, with the help of the Holy Spirit, deepens our faith, increases our joy, matures our character, and strengthens our witness for Christ in this world. 

We created the Quiet Time Companion to help make coming to Jesus just a bit easier and more enjoyable for anyone who would benefit from its features. Our prayer is that each person who uses this tool would experience a deeper and sweeter relationship with Jesus than ever before!

To browse our collection of Quiet Time Companions, click here!

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