The Wholehearted Blog

A Look Inside the Quiet Time Companion
We believe that spending time with Jesus is the most important part of our day. We believe that Bible reading and prayer, with the help of the Holy Spirit, deepens...

Mercy is Patient
Using the reality of your sin to drive you to Jesus. By: Jordan Sparnroft Recently, my sin has been my inspiration for my quiet time. I recently went on a 10-day...

Prayer as Love
Intercessory Prayer and the Community of God By: Nicole Schrader Prayer. As a kid, I stared up at the ceiling above my bed and talked to God. I had no...

Does Our Quiet Time Have to be Quiet?
While we can’t completely control our circumstances, we should do what we can to intentionally create a daily time that stills the noises and distractions of our lives, to build a...

Needed and Needy
See, I need Him like I need sleep, showers, food, and friends. I need His love, grace, joy, peace, forgiveness, and help more, the more I’m needed!Yet, motherhood often interrupts...

Coming back to Your First Love
One of the reasons why I think my parents have had such a strong and healthy marriage all these years is because they have always put Jesus first. And part...

Watching in Silence
The silence of God is intriguing to consider. Because of who God is, we look to Him for guidance, answers, miracles, and provision. But because of God’s all-powerfulness, He can...

Day and Night
When do you think about God?Is it on Sunday mornings in church? Or when you catch a glimpse of the Bible in a stack of books? Maybe it’s when you...

Quiet Time Seasons
I’ve had daily time with Jesus as a daughter and now as a mother; in loneliness and while surrounded by children. In both grief and joy, failure and success, I’ve...
Ready to dive deeper?
Read "Quiet" by Naomi Vacaro
This book is for the everyday woman who is struggling to spend time with Jesus. If you're looking for practical help, relatable stories, and quiet time inspiration, buy a copy of "Quiet: Creating Grace-Based Rhythms for Spending Time with Jesus"