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Breathing Fresh Life Into Old Routines

Three Ways to Inspire Your Quiet Time
Erica Hunt

Living a godly life is not a natural inclination. Though some seasons may be easier than others, we don’t automatically pursue a relationship with God. Yet, we still have an innate longing and desire to be known and loved by our Creator. God has graciously revealed Himself through His Word and creation. But taking the time and effort to know God is nothing less than a battle against our flesh, our circumstances, our time, and our energy.
When we think of devout Bible study, we may become dismayed and overwhelmed with how other people accomplish the task, the number of resources available, or the time constraints of our day. We can be worn out by reading Scripture and need some inspiration to connect our bible reading with our own lives. Here are three ways that can help refresh or add some inspiration to your quiet time:

  1.     Spend some Time in God’s Creation
    The earth is clear about who its’ Creator is. The Bible tells us, The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork (Psalm 91:1 ESV). So, take your quiet time outside periodically! Spend time allowing God to remind you of who He is through his creation. Take a hike, go to a lake, sit on your porch, or take a blanket to the park. Be still, watch, listen. Let the trees lift your eyes towards heaven and the praises of the birds fill you with awe. Observe the little insects on the ground and remember that God knows and created all. Let the green vegetation or the dry and weary land remind you that the Living Water is the source of life. Look for how God provides and protects His creation. This very same God that supplies for nature, will also supply your own needs. Meditate on Matthew 6:25-34 which reminds us that if God cares and clothes his Creation, how much more does he love and provide for His children? Nature has a way of taking the focus off ourselves, and though it can be easy to remain focused on the wonders and beauty of our surroundings, taking the next step to shift our thoughts higher to the Creator will lead us to join in praising and worshiping Our Creator.
  1.     Be Encouraged by Other Believers.
    Find a hero of the faith that you’d like to know more about. And look for resources where you can learn more about their life, and their desire to know and serve God. Though learning about famous Christians can be a little daunting, their examples can encourage our own walk with Christ. These “super Christians” do not have books written about themselves because of anything great they did, but because they allowed the Holy Spirit to use them in the midst of whatever circumstances God led them through. You will find that they more than likely spent a good amount of time in God’s Word, not because they were naturally inclined to, but because they knew that His Word is where they would gain their source of strength.
    There are many books, audiobooks, websites, podcasts, and videos about Christians. If you face a time constraint, children’s resources are often shorter and more concise than adult material.
    Here are a few suggestions:
    George Muller—evangelist and orphanage director during the late 1800s
    Fanny Crosby—writer of hundreds of hymns and poems
    Jim and Elizabeth Elliot—Missionary martyr and his wife
    Amy Carmichael—missionary to India
    Foxe’s Book of Martyrs—several stories of Christians who gave up their life for Christ.
  1.     Remember what God has done for you.
    Remembering is one of the most powerful tools we have as believers to help us restore our faith in God. Take some time to write out ways that you have seen God work in your life recently. Or think of a recently answered prayer and revisit your request and how God answered it. Stick this list in your Bible or somewhere you will come across it often and be reminded of His love for you and the work He is doing in your life. Share these stories with a friend and have them in turn encourage you with their own stories of how God is at work in their lives. Remembering what God has done in our lives leads us to thanksgiving and praise him for his work. This deepens our desire to know and love him and turns our hearts back to his Word. Remembering God’s faithfulness helps us look for how he works through the pages of Scripture, bringing a new perspective and purpose in our moments of quiet time. 

God gives us such freedom in how, when, and where we come to him, but the hard work of coming to him is just that, coming to him. Ask the Holy Spirit for help and practice the disciplines of connecting these simple tasks to our quiet time. Do not grow weary or discouraged if you are in a time of dryness in your quiet time! Each day is a new opportunity to come to Him, in new and old ways, and be refreshed.

  Erica Hunt lives with her husband, Justin, in South Dakota. She teaches middle school and loves traveling, collecting quotes, learning fun facts and historical information, drinking coffee, eating ice cream, and enjoying good conversations with friends.

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