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How to Create a Bible Study Highlighting Guide
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How to Create a Bible Study Highlighting Guide

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There is nothing we are more passionate about then getting our community into God's Word. We believe that every page has something to offer us in our daily walk, and we are eager to provide you with helpful tips and useful skills to study the Good Book and fall more in love with its Author! One effective method you may not have tried before is strategic highlighting.

Creating a Bible study highlighting guide can be a great way to help you categorize and quickly recall verses, themes, and teachings. Here's a step-by-step guide to creating your own:

1. Determine Your Purpose

Before starting, it's essential to determine your primary goal for studying the Bible. Are you looking for personal growth, theological understanding, or preparing for a teaching role? Your intention will guide your highlighting criteria.

2. Choose Your Colors

Most Bible study enthusiasts recommend between four to seven colors to keep things simple yet distinct. Consider colors like blue, yellow, green, pink, orange, purple, and even gray. Make sure your highlighters won't bleed through the thin pages of your Bible! Here's a set we like a lot.

3. Assign Themes to Colors

Now, associate each color with a specific theme or subject based on your study goals. Here are some suggestions:

  • Yellow: Key verses or foundational truths
  • Blue: Promises from God
  • Green: Commands or instructions
  • Pink: Passages of comfort or encouragement
  • Orange: Warnings or prophecies
  • Purple: Historical events or context
  • Red: Verses that you don't understand (for further research)

4. Add Symbols for Depth

In addition to colors, symbols can be helpful. For example:

  • Asterisk (*): Indicates a cross-reference or another related verse.
  • Question mark (?): Represents a verse or concept you want to study further.
  • Exclamation mark (!): Points out a revelation or a profound personal realization.

5. Create a Key

Inside the front or back cover of your Bible or in a separate notebook, create a reference key. This will be a quick reminder of what each color and symbol represents. If you are using any of our Wholehearted Study Guides then you'll find a Highlighting Guide Bookmark tucked in the pages.

6. Start Highlighting

As you study, begin highlighting. Remember that it's okay if your system evolves over time. The point is to engage deeply with the scripture and allow the Holy Spirit to guide your understanding.

7. Reflect and Review

Periodically review the passages you've highlighted. Doing so will help reinforce your memory and understanding. It's also beneficial to see patterns and connections between different parts of the Bible.

8. Share and Discuss

Consider sharing your insights with a Bible study group, friend, or mentor. Their perspectives may provide additional layers of understanding or even refine your highlighting technique.

9. Update and Adjust

Over time, you might find that certain colors or symbols become more relevant to your study or that new themes emerge. Feel free to update your guide accordingly.

Let's go!

Creating a Bible study highlighting guide is more than just adding color to your Bible's pages. It's a way of immersing yourself in God's word, facilitating recall, and deepening your understanding. Remember, the goal isn't perfection but connection—connecting with the Word and its Author. Happy studying!


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