Motivation for a Bible Reading Habit
Nicole Schrader
Should reading the Bible be a habit I work to develop, or should it occur more organically from a desire to meet with Jesus?
When I think about habits, what comes to mind are things I do repetitively and regularly—like brushing my teeth after meals, showering at night, washing dishes after dinner, etc. They take no forethought and little planning. They are simply a part of the pattern of my days.
However, there are habits I work to develop—like more rigorous exercise to keep my aging body moving and prevent injury, and healthy eating to keep my weight and cholesterol levels down. These behaviors do not come naturally. I am, by nature, lazy and self-indulgent. In order for weight training to become a habit, I had to join a gym and ask people to hold me accountable. To develop healthy eating habits, I downloaded an App on my phone to keep track of nutrition and calorie intake.
If I didn’t make good oral hygiene a habit, over time I would likely develop gum disease, costly dental bills, and possibly even lose my teeth. If I didn’t take time to bathe regularly, I’d develop skin and social issues.
So, what about reading the Bible?
Even if I didn’t work to develop the habit of a daily quiet time, I’m sure I would read my Bible—occasionally. But as I said, I am naturally lazy and self-indulgent. If given a choice, wouldn’t I sleep in a little longer? Watch another season of the British Baking Show? Read something else?
The answer is yes because before I made Bible reading a habit, these are the kinds of choices I made.
Instead of growing in faith and reliance on God and the truth of his word, I grew anxious and believed the lies the world told me. Because God’s word wasn’t influencing my mind and heart, I was unprepared for the inevitable and unexpected challenges life threw my way.
So, what are my motivations for a Bible Reading Habit?
Reading the Bible every day gives me a deeper understanding of God’s character.
Reading the Bible every day tells me what God expects from his children and I find how I should live.
Reading the Bible every day orders my heart, my mind, and my priorities in a way that honors God.
Reading the Bible every day prepares me to overcome temptations and trials.
Reading the Bible every day encourages, strengthens, and reinforces my faith.
Reading the Bible every day brings me joy and comfort.
The benefits of a daily habit of Bible reading far outweigh all sacrifice and effort it may require.
How I love your instruction! It is my meditation all day long.
Your command makes me wiser than my enemies, for it is always with me.
I have more insight than all my teachers because your decrees are my meditation.
I understand more than the elders because I obey your precepts.
I have kept my feet from every evil path to follow your word.
I have not turned from your judgments, for you yourself have instructed me.
How sweet your word is to my taste—sweeter than honey in my mouth.
(Psalm 119:97-103 CSB)
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NICOLE SCHRADERRetired homeschool mother who loves to travel, bake bread, read, and spend time with her kids and grandkids. For more of Nicole's writing check out |