The Wholehearted Blog

What I've Learned from the Persecuted Church
In my journey of exploring the testimonies of believers from around the world, I've been struck by how differently they engage with the Bible compared to my own habits. They...

Desire is Not Required
I’m learning to make my time with Him more about Him and how He wants to speak to me and less about my preferences and feelings. I’m learning to not...

My Quiet Time Seasons
It’s been over eighteen years since that first attempt at a quiet time. I sit at a sunny dining table, a globe away from my Asian childhood home. An hour...

The Fruit of Long Faithfulness
Sometimes I thought I couldn’t bear another moment of the sanctification that came from seeing my sin and weakness exposed day after day through mothering. However: I couldn’t shake the...

Sleepwalking through Life
Knowing my susceptibility to “sleepwalking” has been my primary motivation for my quiet time this season. When I neglect to spend time with Jesus, my days easily get lost, my...

Two Major Motivations for Regular Quiet Time
At this point in the year, perhaps you’re starting to lose the motivation to keep your New Year’s resolutions. Maybe your goal for 2023 of having regular quiet time doesn’t...

No More New Year’s Resolutions for Me!
Rather than making resolutions I can’t keep, I’ve learned to set goals that line up with the word of God. The Bible is full of guidelines for how we’re to...
Ready to dive deeper?
Read "Quiet" by Naomi Vacaro
This book is for the everyday woman who is struggling to spend time with Jesus. If you're looking for practical help, relatable stories, and quiet time inspiration, buy a copy of "Quiet: Creating Grace-Based Rhythms for Spending Time with Jesus"