The Wholehearted Blog

Shining the Light of Christ this Christmas
2 Ways to Make the Most of Your Time with Your Non-Christian Family Members and Friends By Grace McCready According to the Pew Research Center, almost 90% of Americans spend...

The Value of Older Women
As I’ve gotten to know the godly women in my life, I’m always drawn to greater depths of awe and wonder at the goodness of Jesus and the glory of...

Leaning In v. Pulling Away
If you’re in a relationship, this probably doesn’t sound very foreign to you. Conflict, hard feelings, and misunderstandings are natural parts of relationships.My husband and I have been joyfully married...

Loving by Listening
The God that created the universe, who spoke the world into existence, and breathed life into man is the same God who listens intently to the cries of our hearts....

Coming back to Your First Love
One of the reasons why I think my parents have had such a strong and healthy marriage all these years is because they have always put Jesus first. And part...

How Quiet Time Can Make a Marriage Strong
What if your spouse is not a Christian or your marriage is barely surviving in this season? Can quiet time be a tool used to strengthen your marriage? While daily quiet time...

Soul Space
Amber Ginter is a teacher, author, blogger, and mental health activist who resides in the beautiful mountains and cornfields of Ohio. She loves Jesus, granola, singing, reading, dancing, running, her fiance...

Relationships Require Habits
Every relationship has a combination of “head over heels” days and “please don’t speak to me until tomorrow” days. Even in the mere six months that I have been married,...

Why You Should Spend Time with Jesus Today
As much as I enjoyed being homeschooled and then attending a Christian college, it was a difficult transition to go from my Christian education to the worldly workforce. But that’s...
Ready to dive deeper?
Read "Quiet" by Naomi Vacaro
This book is for the everyday woman who is struggling to spend time with Jesus. If you're looking for practical help, relatable stories, and quiet time inspiration, buy a copy of "Quiet: Creating Grace-Based Rhythms for Spending Time with Jesus"