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The Lunch-Break Quiet Time

The Lunch-Break Quiet Time

3 Suggestions for Prioritizing Your Quiet Time if You Work Outside the Home

By Grace McCready

When I got my first job out of college, it was fairly easy to have my quiet time in the morning. I worked remotely about 99% of the time, so I didn’t have to get up early to get ready or commute. I could work in my pajamas from the living room couch. But when I switched jobs a few months later, I was no longer able to work from home all the time. Instead, I now only work remotely on occasion. Although I have a short commute, I still have to wake up early enough to get ready and drive to work. No more wearing pajamas all day or commuting to the living room couch.

While I definitely like my current job better than my first post-college job, it has been harder for me to have my quiet time. All I want to do when I hear my alarm go off in the morning is sleep.

One solution I’ve found is to do my quiet time during a work break. If you have trouble getting up in the morning but you get a mid-day break at work, that’s a great opportunity to spend time with God. Here are a few suggestions if you want to try it for yourself:

1) Find a spot.

A back room at your office, a park bench, a coffee shop, or even your car can be good locations for doing a quiet time on your break. When I do my quiet time on a work break, I typically go to my car. If you can, drive somewhere near your workplace with a good view—and sit outside if the weather is nice!

2) Keep your quiet time supplies nearby.
A great place to store your Quiet Time Companion, Bible, pens, etc. is in a backpack or large tote bag. That way you can transport them to and from work easily, and you don’t have to worry about losing things in the cracks and crevices of your car. Buying a Bible and a prayer journal specifically for your car or bag might be a wise idea if you plan to alternate between having your quiet time at home and having your quiet time during your lunch break.

3) Remember that it’s better to have a quick quiet time than to skip your quiet time completely.
This one isn’t really a tip for your lunch break quiet time; it’s hopefully an encouragement though! I know from personal experience how easy it is to throw in the towel and say, “I’m only able to have a short quiet time today, so I think I’ll just skip it.” Instead of giving in to that excuse, find a pattern that works for you. God is just as ready to spend time with you during a short lunch break as He is to join you as you sip tea and watch the sunrise.

Make glad the soul of Your servant, for to You, O Lord, I lift up my soul. For You, Lord, are good, and ready to forgive, and abundant in lovingkindness to all who call upon You. Give ear, O Lord, to my prayer; and give heed to the voice of my supplications! In the day of my trouble I shall call upon You, for You will answer me. (Psalm 86:4-7 NASB1995)

As David wrote in the Psalm above, he lifted up his soul to God. And God heard him! God’s character—His goodness, forgiveness, and lovingkindness—are available to us at every hour of the day, not just in the wee hours of the morning.
While it’s wonderful to have long, in-depth quiet times, the reality of life is that we can have trouble getting out of bed, we sleep through our alarms, and we have a workplace to go to. So if you work outside the home, have a quiet time during a break! It really is far better than not having a quiet time at all.


Enjoys spending time with her family, hanging out with friends, and watching her favorite TV shows.
She is the author of Real Recovery: What Eating Disorder Recovery Actually Looks Like (2022). She shares her struggles at her blog,Tizzie's Tidbits of Truth.

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