The Wholehearted Blog
Helping Others Change
If you’re like most humans, you are resistant to change. We especially dislike being told to change, even when we are actually ready to make that change! I know that...
How to Support Your Husband’s Quiet Time
My husband heard the Gospel and believed in Jesus. He has proven genuine faith by faithfully living out the Gospel he’s heard. He shows his genuine love for Jesus through...
The Busy Mom’s Quick Guide to Having a Quiet Time
As we steward the God-given gift of parenting, we know that we cannot do it without the gift Giver. Unfortunately, we face a huge dilemma. How do we separate ourselves...
Where Shall I Go to Meet with God?
Because God is everywhere, finding a place to meet with Him for a time of Scripture reading and prayer is not dependent on the location. But creating a consistent and...
Holier Than Thou: How God’s Holiness Helps Us Trust Him
Jackie Hill Perry’s overall argument is that although God’s holiness sets Him apart from us, He has revealed Himself to us as a personal God. Because He is holy, He...
10 Reasons to Have a Quiet Time
Having a regular quiet time is hard. It’s hard for a variety of reasons from busyness, to kids, to straight-up spiritual opposition. It’s normal for us to go through seasons...
The Lunch-Break Quiet Time
One solution I’ve found is to do my quiet time during a work break! If you have trouble getting up in the morning but you get a mid-day break at...
Give me Jesus
Quiet time. Whether you know it well and are disciplined in it, or are not very familiar and struggle to commit, one thing remains the same: we would not have...
Ready to dive deeper?
Read "Quiet" by Naomi Vacaro
This book is for the everyday woman who is struggling to spend time with Jesus. If you're looking for practical help, relatable stories, and quiet time inspiration, buy a copy of "Quiet: Creating Grace-Based Rhythms for Spending Time with Jesus"